

Accident and injury policy 



Accident and Injury Policy for Acorn 2 Oak Support Services Ltd

This policy will set out the procedure that will be followed if your child
were to have an accident whilst at the centre.

All staff working for Acorn 2 Oak Support Services have a first aid

Minor Accidents

If your child has had a minor accident then a member of staff will
administer first aid as appropriate.

An accident report will be completed and signed by the witness and a
copy will be given to the resident parent /adult collecting the child.

You will usually be asked to sign this when collecting your child if this is
not possible then a text message will be sent with a photo of the form.

Head Injuries

If your child has suffered a head injury you will be informed by telephone
or text . An accident form will be completed and you will be asked to sign
this when you collect your child.

With any head injury it is always important to monitor your child closely
and seek medical advice if there is any deterioration in their health or

Going to hospital if urgent medical treatment is needed

If your child has been hurt seriously and requires medical treatment from
a hospital you will be notified after an ambulance has been called.

If you are not close to the centre and your child requires to go in the
ambulance before you arrive then your child will travel to the hospital
with the crew and maybe the visiting parent.

Ambulance crew and the hospital will have Safeguarding policy and
procedures in place.

If this happens then you would be informed of the hospital that your
child is being taken to so that you can travel immediately there.

Children arriving with visible marks, bruising or other indications of
accident /incident happening before arriving at the centre. 

1.Staff if they notice these injuries as the children are dropped off will
ask the adult arriving with the children what had happened.

2. Or if you are the adult that lives with the child please let staff know of
any visible marks and an explanation of how this happened.

3. A form will be completed and this will be shared with the visiting

4. The form will be signed by the manager of the centre and a copy sent
to the parents /social workers. 


Our Privacy Policy explains:

- What information we collect and how we collect it
- Why and how we use your information.
- How long we keep your information
- How we may share your information
- Your rights on the information we hold about you
- Security-how we keep your information safe
- Changes to this Privacy Policy
- How to contact us

The Data Controller is Julie Evans

Information we collect

In order to provide our services and for the other purposes set out in Use of Information
below, we collect and process Personal Data from the users of our Contact Centre. We
may collect the following information

*Personal information (for example, your name, email address, mailing address,
phone numbers, date of birth and address)
*Sensitive Personal Data
*Attendance information (such a attended, number of absences and absence
*Safeguarding incidents
From time to time and as permitted by applicable law(s), we may collect
Personal Data about you and update any existing Personal Data that we
currently hold from other third-party sources

We collect your information from
*Self Referral Forms
*Safe Referral process from the NACCC website
*Referrals from organisations e.g. Cafcass, Family Solicitors
*Pre visit checklist

We may also collect information from telephone conversations, emails and written and
verbal communications and from records of the Contact Centre sessions.

How we use your information
Your Personal Data may be used in the following ways:

*To provide our services to you,
*To respond to your requests and inquiries,
*To improve our services, we use feedback and review forms
*To request your participation in surveys, or other initiatives which help us to gather
information used to develop and enhance our services,
*To comply with applicable law(s) (for example, to comply with a search warrant or
court order) or to carry out professional ethics/conduct investigations,
*To enable us to provide, to maintain our own accounts and records and to support
and manage our employees.

Consent and lawful processing of data

Our legitimate interests, which include processing such Personal Data for the purposes of
*Providing and enhancing the provision of our services.
*Administration and programme delivery
*For dealing with medical needs-any information you provide we must have had
explicit consent to use.
*All other cases: that it is necessary for our legitimate interests which are to run the
contact centre

How long will we keep your information?


















Sharing and Disclosure to Third Parties

We may disclose your Personal Data to third parties from time-to-time under the following
*You request or authorise the disclosure of your personal details to a third party.
*The information is disclosed as permitted by applicable law(s) and/or in order to
comply with applicable law(s) (for example, to comply with a search warrant or court
*The information is provided to service providers who perform functions on our
*Hosting providers for the secure storage and transmission of your data
*Legal and compliance consultants, such as external counsel, external auditors
*Technology providers who assist in the development and management of our web

Subject Access/User Rights

As a user, you are subject to the following rights:
*The right to be informed of the use of your Personal Data
*The right to access and/or to require the correction or erasure of your Personal Data
*The right to block and/or object to the processing of your Personal Data
*The right to not be subject to any decision based solely on automated processing of
your Personal Data
*In limited circumstances, you may have the right to receive Personal Data in a format
which may be transmitted to another entity.

If you have a complaint in relation to the processing of your data carried out under this
Privacy Policy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner

You may seek to exercise any of these rights by updating your information online (where
possible) or by sending a written request to Acorn 2 Oak Support Services
Information security
We are working to protect your personal information that we hold, its confidentiality, integrity
and availability.

*We review our information collection, storage and processing practices, including
physical security measures, to guard against unauthorized access to systems.

*We restrict access to personal information to contact centre staff and volunteers
subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be disciplined or
terminated if they fail to meet these obligations.

* We have a Security Information Policy in place which defines the measures we take
to protect your personal information. We use a combination of technology and
procedures to ensure that our paper and computer systems are protected, monitored
and are recoverable.

* We only use third party service providers where we are satisfied that they provide
adequate security for your personal data.

Compliance and cooperation with regulatory authorities

We regularly review our compliance with our Privacy Policy. If we receive formal written
complaints, we will contact the person who made the complaint to follow up. We work with
the ICO to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of personal data that we cannot
resolve with our users directly.

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will not reduce your rights under this
Privacy Policy without your explicit consent.

How to Contact Us
Acorn 2 Oak Support Services ,66 Rana Drive Braintree Essex

SAFEguarding policy


Acorn 2 Oak Support Services ( A2OSS ) aim is to provide a safe place and provide support to
families following separation.

A2OSS believes that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse
of any kind and recognizes it has a responsibility in safeguarding and the welfare of all children
and young people by being committed to promoting a practice that protects them .
A2OSS recognizes that
The welfare of the child is paramount
All children regardless of age, gender ,disability,racial heritage,religion ,sexual identity or sexual
orientation should receive equal protection from all types of harm and abuse .
Working in partnership with children,parents ,families,carers and other agencies is essential in
promoting children's welfare.

Basic principles

1) A2OSS believes that children and young people need safe environments in which they
can grow and develop in confidence.

2) A2OSS recognizes that organisations working and supporting children and young people
have a duty to keep them safe. 

3) A2OSS places Safeguarding children and young people and Child Protection at the
centre of all of its activities. 

4) A2OSS is committed to working towards the objectives as defined in the document
Working Together To Safeguard


5) A2OSS believes that children and young people should not be exposed to negligence or
any risks.

6) A2OSS recognizes that Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children are emotive
issues that need to be handled both sensitively and carefully .

7) A2OSS strongly believes that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility .Everyone
who works with children has a responsibility for keeping them safe . No single
professional can have a full picture of a child's needs and circumstances and if children
and families are to receive the right help at the right time then everyone who comes into
contact with them has a role in identifying concerns and sharing this information and
taking prompt action .

8) For clarity A2OSS offers the following definitions to the following items :
Definitions of Safeguarding
Safeguarding is an action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from
harm . Safeguarding means ....
Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
Preventing harm to children's health or development
Ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care.
Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome.

Definition of Child Protection

Child protection is part of the safeguarding process .It focuses on protecting individual children
identified or likely to suffer significant harm .This includes child protection procedures that detail
how to respond to concerns about a child .
Safeguarding children and child protection and guidance and legislation applies to children up to
the age of 18.

Definitions of Child Abuse

Child Abuse is any action by another person -adult or child -that causes significant harm to a
child .It can be physical,sexual or emotional but can be just about a lack of care ,love and
attention .We know that neglect ,whatever form it takes can be just as damaging to a child as
physical abuse.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is when someone hurts or harms a child or young person on purpose .It includes:

- Hitting with hands or objects
- Slapping and punching
- Kicking
- Shaking
- Throwing
- Poisoning
- Burning and scalding
- Biting and scratching
- Breaking bones
- Drowning

It's important to remember that physical abuse is any way of intentionally causing physical harm
to a child or young person .It also includes making up symptoms of an illness or causing a child
to become unwell.

Behavioural signs for physical abuse include

- Flinching when approached or touched
- Afraid to go home
- Wary/frightened of adult contacts
- Difficult to comfort
- Becomes apprehensive when other children cry
- Extremes of behaviour ;aggressive ,complaint,impulsive ,withdrawn
- Hyper vigilant

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is any type of abuse that involves the continual emotional mis-treatment of a
child . Emotional abuse can involve deliberately trying to scare ,humiliate,isolate or ignore a
child .

Types of emotional abuse includes :
- Humiliating or constantly criticising a child
- Threatening ,shouting at a child or calling them names
- Making the child the subject of jokes or using sarcasm to hurt the child
- Blaming and scapegoating
- Making a child perform degrading acts
- Not recognising a child's own individuality or trying to control their lives
- Pushing a child too hard or not recognising their limitations
- Exposing a child to upsetting events like domestic abuse or drug taking
- Persistently ignoring them
- Being absent
- Manipulating a child
- Never offering words of kindness,congratulating a child on their successes or expressing
- Positive feelings
- Physical indicators
- Failure to thrive
- Delays in physical,mental or emotional development or progress
- Behavioural indicators
- A child who is experiencing emotional abuse may display these behaviours
- Sucking,rocking ,biting
- Anti-social /destructive
- Sleep disturbances
- The child may show compliance and passive or and or aggressive
- Inappropriately adult or infant
- Finds it very hard to regulate emotions
- Sexual Abuse

It is important to remember that its never a child's fault they were sexually abused -its important
that children know this
Types of sexual abuse -there are two types of sexual abuse -contact and non contact abuse
Contact abuse is when an abuser makes physical contact with child .This includes
Sexual touching of any part of a childs body whether they are clothed or not
Using a body part or object to rape or penetrate a child .
Forcing a child to take part in sexual activities
Making a child undress or touch someone else .
Contact abuse can include touching,kissing and oral sex it isnt just penetrative .
Non contact abuse is where a child is abused without being touched by the abuser . This can be
in person or online and includes:

- Exposing or flashing
- Showing pornography
- Exposing a child to sexual acts
- Making them masturbate
- Forcing a child to make ,view or share child abuse imageses or videos
- Forcing a child o take part in sexual activities of conversations online or using a smart phone .

Physical indicators :
- Difficulty in walking ,sitting down
- Stained or bloody underclothing
- Pain or itching in the genital area
- Wetting/soiling
- Sickness
- Bruising,bleeding,injuries to external genitalia areas
- Excessive crying
- Behavioural indicators :
- Inappropriate sexual behaviour knowledge
- Promiscuity
- Sudden changes in behaviour
- Wary of adults
- Avoidance of places
- Eating /sleeping disorders
- Secretive behaviour
- Unexplained money or gifts
- Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation is a type of sexual abuse .Young people may be coerced or groomed
into exploitative situations and relationships. They may be given things such as gifts ,alcohol
,status or affection in exchange for taking part in sexual activities .

They may be tricked into thinking they are in a loving relationship and don't understand that they
are being abused. They may be dependent on their abuser or be too scared to seek help.

Spotting the signs of CSE

- Children that go missing from care
- Be involved in abusive relationships
- Hanging out with older people
- Being involved in gangs or anti-social groups
- Having older boyfriends /girlfriends
- Spending time at places of concern eg brothels or hotels
- Being involved in petty crime
- Having access to drugs and alcohol
- Having new things like trainers, mobile phones which aren't easily explained .


Neglect is the ongoing failure to meet a child's basic needs and the most common form of child
abuse . A child may be left hungry or dirty or without proper clothing ,shelter ,supervision or
health care .This can put children and young people in danger. This can lead to having a
negative impact on their physical and mental well being

Types of neglect can be a lot of different things which can be hard to sport ,but broadly speaking
there are 4 types of neglect.

Physical neglect - a child's basic needs such as food ,clothing or shelter are not met or they
aren't properly supervised or kept safe.

Educational Neglect -a parent doesn't ensure that their child is give an education.

Emotional Neglect a child doesn't get the nurture and stimulation that they need ,this could be
ignoring,humiliating, intimidating or isolating them.

Medical Neglect - a child is not given proper health care -this includes dental care and refusing
or ignoring medical recommendations.

Signs of neglect

Neglect can be really difficult to spot . Having one sign doesn't necessarily mean a child is being
neglected. But if you notice multiple signs that last for a while they might indicate there's a
serious problem . Children and young people who are neglected might have :

- Poor hygiene and appearance
- Health and development problems
- Housing and family issues
- Change in their behaviour
- Responding and reacting to a child making allegations of abuse
- It is vital that children and young people are able to speak out about abuse and whoever they
- tell takes them seriously and acts on what they are told .
- Even if a child does not tell someone verbally about what's happened to them ,there may be
- indicators that something is wrong .People that work with children need to be able to recognize
- the signs and know how to respond appropriately .
- If a child chooses to disclose to a member of staff of A2OSS they need to listen,understand and
- respond appropriately . NSPCC carried out research on how adults can respond better who is
- disclosing abuse (Baker et al 2019 ).They found three key interpersonal skills that help a child

feel they are being listened to and taken seriously :
Show you care ,help them open up ; give your full attention and keep your body language
open and encouraging . Be compassionate,understanding and reassure them their feelings are
important .Phrases like “you've shown such courage today “
Take your time ,slow down: respect pauses and don't interrupt the child -let them go at their
own pace .

Show you understand ,reflect back ; make it clear you're interested in what the child is telling
you ,reflect back what they have said to check your understanding -and use their language to
show it's their experience .

Next steps after a child has disclosed
There is a reporting form that must be used to record information about a safeguarding concern.
It can also be used to send information about the concern to the Local Safeguarding Board
within 24 hours of the concerns arising .

The Local Safeguarding Board number is
0345 603 7627

Managing Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children withIn A2OSS has one named
person who is responsible for the policy and how its process is implemented .
This person is JULIE EVANS who is trained to Level 3 Designated Person in Safeguarding and
whose DBS update service is checked by the Consultant Social Worker on a 6 monthly basis .

When A2OSS recruits employees who have unsupervised access to children there is a
procedure set out fully in the Recruitment Policy which will be adhered to at all times .
This procedure will include making appropriate checks using the Disclosure and Barring Service
(DBS ) which will help A2OSS to make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable
people from working with vulnerable groups including children .
Further information is set out in the Recruitment policy .